Python Django CMD Commands:
1. pip install virtualenvwrapper-win [to install the virtual wrapper for Windows];
2. pip install virtualenv [install virtual environment];
3. mkvirtualenv virtual_env_name [to create a virtual environment];
4. work on server_name [to start a server/virtual environment];
5. pip install django [to install Django in that particular virtual environment];
6. Django-admin start project project_name [to create the project at the specified path];
7. python run server [to run Django project];
8. python migrate [to migrate the tables from the Django website to the in-built database of Django i.e sqlite];
9. python create superuser [to create a username and password for the admin];
10. deactivate [to exit/deactivate/stop the virtual env];
11. ctrl+c [to exit the server/project];
12. python3 -m venv ./venv [to create a username and password for the admin];
13. Activate virtual env [to create a username and password for the admin];
14. source ./bin/activate [to create a username and password for the admin];
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